SK Imports Specializes in importing and distributing quality products from China.
We find and import quality products from China for distribution direct and to small businesses. By managing the sourcing and importing process we let you focus on what matters, building your business.
Buy and Sell Imported Products
Kick start your business.
Shop direct, or buy wholesale.
GoKarts, Quads, Bikes
SK Imports offer a wide range of Go-Karts, Quads, Bikes and accessories to dealers across South Africa. To buy direct, check out our list of dealers. If you are interested in becoming a dealer click here.
Dealer Application
Supercharge your business with wholesale prices on all our imported products. We buy direct from a wide range factories and offer all our products to our dealers at the best wholesale prices.
Need to Know more?
Are you looking to take your retail business to the next step? With SK imports as your partner you can get access to incredible imported products are the best prices. For more information on our current products, or if you would like to find something specific please email us or call.
Call: +27 11 0266 288